Peanut Butter Bars
1 cup crunchy peanut butter
2/3 cup soft margarine
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups brown sugar
3 eggs
1 cup of flour
1/2 tsp salt
Combine peanut butter, margarine, and vanilla in a bowl. Beat in sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. STIR in flour and salt just until blended. Put batter in greased 13x9 and bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Check it with a toothpick to make sure it is done.
Once cooled, ice with 3/4 cup powdered sugar mixed with 2 tsp water. Drizzle on. Then melt 1/4 cup chocolate chips with 1 tsp of shortening in the microwave. Stir every 20 seconds until runny and melted. Drizzle on.
These were the big guy's favorite when we first got married. He requested them every time I was baking something. You should see how worn out the recipe card is. They are delicious. We had a pleasant surprise tonight. I invited Aimee Drabyn over for dinner at the last minute. She moved to town a couple of weeks ago and is attending graduate school at Belmont. If you'll recall my previous post, Stetson Steve and chimis, Steve Drabyn is Aimee's older brother. (Adam's college roommate/bff/brother) There are four Drabyns... Chris, Steve, Kristen, and Aimee.

This is Aimee, Kristen, Adam, and I at Steve's rehearsal dinner. (I was pregnant with Emilie). I sometimes dream of being a Drabyn sister. Those two girls are so close and they crack me up. I can watch them for hours. Especially on the dance floor. They have dance moves I have NEVER seen before. It is always a pleasure to hang out with a Drabyn. We're glad to have Aimee in Nashville and this will definitely not be the last time she comes over for some family time.
Aubrie enjoyed an apple today at dinner. She didn't want it sliced and carried it around and ate a majority of it. She may have even ate some of the core. You could tell she felt like a big girl carrying it around. She also ate something else today...can you guess?
I said, "Aubrie, did you play in the dirt and eat it?" "NO!" she said. Hmmm. I was able to see some evidence. She has so much fun outside. I could seriously leave her outside for hours.
We went and saw one of my volleyball girls, April, go play today. She was at a team camp at Belmont. She's a great kid. Super smart in the classroom, a good volleyball player. I can't wait to see which college she decides on. It was good to see her mom as well. Emilie and Kathy (as Aubrie says, Kafee) had a strong bond this past volleyball season. She wanted to be held by her all the time. Kathy could hold her for hours. I sat in front of her and she held Emilie and it was fun listening to her talk to her again. It was like old friends catching up. :) We were so blessed to have met so many great girls and families while coaching volleyball. They are like family to us.
Oh, and boot camp for Emilie is going well. I dropped her off today and she only fussed for maybe two minutes and I worked out for 45 minutes. Maybe by next week, I can do a class or something! Good job Emilie!
We had Salmon and Ravioli tonight, but I'm too tired to post another recipe. I'll post it tomorrow since I plan on leftovers anyways. Love to all!
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