How did this happen? My baby is 3! I know, same old lame saying, but it really does seem like yesterday that she entered our lives and turned it upside down. I never thought I would sleep again.
Ready to go outside for a walk |
Also, 3 means two more years before she is entering Kindergarten. I will be sitting outside the school building, crying, the whole first day. But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy her just like we have been. Both her and Emilie have been fun little handfuls.
We had a little festivity here at the house. Her first two guests were her boyfriends from school, Teague and Holden. Holden's mom let him raid the Target dollar bins and he picked out her gifts all by himself. She got bath fizz, a fake rose, strawberries to grow, nail polish, and chapstick, along with some other things. Teague was right behind Holden with a bouquet of fresh flowers for the birthday girl. They are too sweet and those three are really close. This is the second year they've been at Mother's Day Out together. She often grabs them by the neck and kisses their cheeks when they depart from each other. On top of that, Aubrie's new friend from school, Ryan, came in next with a homemade card and gift for her as well. She thought she was in heaven! Her other friends all showed up and they all had a good time. The playroom saw some serious action yesterday. Thank you to everyone who made her day special. She had a blast! We are so blessed to have such great friends who are there to celebrate life's special occasions with us. :)
I had a brilliant idea to make mini ice-cream cone cupcakes. I saw online where someone made their own pan by cutting holes into a disposable pan, so I did the same, which worked perfectly! But once I poured batter into them and put them in the oven, they all got too heavy for the pan and fell over or burnt like you can see. But I salvaged some. My mom gave me a delicious chocolate mousse recipe for the top. They were pretty cute and delicious, but quite a pain. I recommend buying the pan that you can find online here. |
This is one of my favorite photos. This is Holden straightening his hair with Aubrie's play hair and make-up stuff. It was fun watching all her boyfriends play with her girly toys. :) |
The birthday girl eating an ice-cream cone cupcake. |
Holden and Teague |
She also got a piece of cake and then used the number 3 candle as a chip and kept scooping frosting off the cake to eat. Granny decorated the cake the night before and did a beautiful job! |
Here's Ryan getting a treat bag. She told her friends thanks for coming and passed out bags. |
K-Sue and Kelly made it!! |
Granny and Gaga made the trip with Lana and Adrian for the party. Granny's birthday is February 18th so we surprised her with a birthday cake and she and Aubrie blew out the candles together later that night. Aunt Paula Jane Huhnke, Lana's sister, was also born on February 5th, so it is very special that Aubrie celebrates on the same day and shares her name. We lost Paula to cancer in 2004. |
Chocolate smile |
This morning Aubrie got her gift from Adam, Emilie, and I. She got her first bike! What a big girl! She calls the helmet a Helmont (like Belmont). |
And now that big sister has new wheels, that means Emilie owns the tricycle! Score Emilie!! |
Sorry there are so many pictures. There are a lot more that I'll probably post to facebook. I hope everyone enjoys Super Bowl Sunday! Love to all!
ps. Belmont beat Lipscomb 84-58. :)
AND for those who wanted recipes from yesterday's food, you can read about the Turkey Burgers
here and I'll try to post the mousse and corn salad soon!
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