We were blessed to have Steve and Brit come and visit this past weekend. They always come around this time to have Adam help do their taxes. I enjoy this visit annually. Steve's mission is to bond with Emilie while he is here. Emilie had other plans. She was pretty with Brit. She kept smiling at her and making sweet eyes during meals. She loves her Aunt Brit. But Steve earned his way into her heart by helping Adam play with the girls at the park. Brit and I stayed in the car, reclined our seats, and visited while the boys chased the girls around.
Uncle Steve being wild with Emilie |
The girls tickling Uncle Steve. They aren't gentle ticklers. |
The Park Crew
I'm ashamed that I don't have any pictures of Aunt Brit with the girls. I loved having her around. She's fun to talk with about recipes, her job, staying healthy, and how to live with Steve. :) Steve is such a lucky guy to have Brittany. She's so patient with him. We all have to be. Adam always says that he's spent half his life waiting on Steve. But that's because in college, Steve knew everybody. So when he and Adam would be walking somewhere, Steve would stop to talk to people and Adam would keep walking until he got about 10 feet away and turn around and wait for Steve...instead of being socially normal and stopping WITH Steve and visiting with people. haha. But really, for some reason, this past weekend we all waited on Steve. Waited for him to call, waited for him to shower so we could go eat, waited for him to get off the phone. STEVE!!! Thank goodness Brit is so patient and loving. It is so refreshing to see her support him and his career and he is so blessed to have her. :)
Another good part about having Drabyns in town is that the local Drabyn (Aimee) comes over and spends the night. She was so content coming over on the evenings, playing with the girls, and then just laying on the floor in my sweatshirt and "resting her eyes" while we watched basketball. I think she needed to step away from campus and enjoy some family time. I'm glad she got to spend time with her big brother. Petey was pretty pleased that she was here because he got some extra snuggle time.
Lovin. |
Most of you know, horrible storms went across the Midwest and South on Thursday evening and Friday. The weather channel had me feeling like we were all going down. I was a nervous wreck. Steve was out recruiting, Adam was at work, so it was just Brit and me with the girls. I was good most of the day, but once the line of storms came close, I changed out of my slippers, tightened on my running shoes, and got the girls up from their naps and put their shoes on as well. Brit thought I was crazy. But my theory is that you always see people in their pajamas or without shoes being interviewed after these things, so if I'm prepared, I won't be caught off guard. For tornadoes or news interviews. (I know, I'm crazy.)
I was nervous for many reasons. Amanda was downtown and headed home as it was approaching. Aimee called from Belmont and said she was going to head over, and Adam was downtown at work and I had asked him to get home before the storms got here. Thankfully Adam made it home first. Belmont wouldn't let Aimee or anybody leave campus. Amanda made it home safely. And what do you know...it didn't even rain at our house. Just some big wind. Everywhere else got hail and damaging winds.
When we moved to Nashville, I didn't know that it was tornado alley. When I lived in Dallas, we only had to take cover once and I thought that was a more dangerous place for tornadoes. But recently I learned that there is Tornado Alley, Dixie Alley (TN), Hoosier Alley, and Carolina Alley. I found this interesting
article that explains it best. Luckily, we have a great hiding place under the stairs and in the center of the house that we all can fit in. Still, I'm on the chandelier when these storms come through. The next day my shoulders will be tight from the stress and my jaw will hurt from clinching. I was thankful to have Brit there with me that day to keep me occupied.
Sweet angels showing off their boots. |
This is the first week that I haven't had to pop a pill for nausea or take amoxicillin for strep. I'm at the top of my game. I've had energy, I've had good sleep, but I've had sick kids. Starting on Monday evening Emilie started running a temperature. I ended up taking her to the doctor on Tuesday but they just said viral infection and bring her back if the fever continues for 72 hours. Well guess what? We are going back. The poor girl isn't herself and her fever won't stay down. Now Aubrie has a horrible cough and is starting to run a fever. So I'll probably have her checked out as well tomorrow. It's been a long week for me. I will miss Mother's Day Out tomorrow. The girls are a little stir crazy from being home so many days. Today I let them go outside for a little bit since it was warm, but windy.
I asked Emilie, "Did you eat dirt?" She smiles big and says "YEAH!" |
Happy girl. That big flower on the top of her hat is a huge temptation for Petey. I can't tell you how many times he tries to run up to her and puts that flower in his mouth and tries to pull her hat off. |
We had gorgeous warm weather before the big storms. The girls got to expose their chicken legs and wear sandals to school. We love the spring! |
I hope everyone is doing well! Love to all!
ps. Belmont is dancing in the big tournament again! Can't wait to see who they are matched up against on Sunday. Go Bruins!
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