Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!!! This by far has become my favorite holiday. I like it more than my birthday. Everyone can celebrate their birthday. But after the sacrifices and hard work you go through, it's really something to be a mom and get celebrated. Therefore, celebrating my mom is more meaningful now than it was before becoming a mom.
This is one of mom's favorite pictures of her and I. She took the camera in to get film developed and had one picture left and so the man behind the counter took this picture of us. Isn't my mom gorgeous?! Doesn't it look like she was well rested for having a baby that young... |
Robbie was so cute when he was little. This doesn't even look like me. It looks like she picked up the wrong kid at the church nursery. One of her favortie stories to tell is about the time she took me into the pediatrician for a check-up and he told her it was time for me to get rid of the pacifier. So on the way home, my window was down and I threw it out of the window as we were driving down the interstate. Took care of that problem! |
Here is where she had me spend most of my days. Occasionally she would let visitors in, like my brother, but I was mostly confined to these bars. |
My mom found out a couple of years ago that my brother and I used to eat dog food. She always thought this was a cute picture of me feeding the dog, but really, that smile says, "busted!" What did you expect when you have your 2 year old doing chores? I didn't have enough self-control. She was devastated when she found out AND in complete denial. I'm glad Robbie was there with me to back me up. |
Mom was/is a good mom. She hauled me everywhere and took me to see everything. Her and dad provided me with a lot of love and encouragement to grow up and turn into a successful adult. |
AND THEN I had the opportunity to turn mom into a Grandma. Look at her face. She was so smitten with Aubrie. It took her days to get that smile off her face when we had Aubrie. She was crazy in love and so helpful to me as I transitioned into becoming a mother. Finally by the 5th day of her helping us, she admitted that she didn't remember what she did with us kids, she was just making stuff up. But it was good. She got us through day 5 and then helped us realize that we could make stuff up, too, and we were going to survive anyways. :) |
Happy Mother's Day, Shellie. I love you so much and I'm looking forward to having you here one last time to help welcome home the newest member of our family and to help me adjust, again, to becoming a mom. You're such a good example and loving mom who still sacrifices for me even though I'm old and I'm supposed to be taking care of myself. I love you!
As for me, I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Adam took the girls shopping on Saturday for my gifts. He was brave and showed their faces at Costco again. They got me flowers and a new home phone. I'm also very proud to announce that the balloons that my children mauled seemed to have been mauled by other vicious children and they were sad and deflated. :) They also got me a laundry hamper/sorter that is on wheels. I love it. After church we ate at Taco Mamacitas and had a delicious lunch. Overall, it was a wonderful Mother's Day. |
But as you know, all good things must come to an end...like our photo session. |
Thanks for all the Mother's Day love and wishes. Love to all!!!
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