Bangin Good Shrimp
- 5 tbsp light mayonnaise
- 3 tbsp Thai Sweet Chili Sauce
- 1 tsp Sriracha
(to taste)
For the Shrimp:
- 1 lb large shrimp, shelled and deveined (weight after peeled)
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp canola oil
- 3 cups shredded iceberg lettuce
- 1 cup shredded purple cabbage
- 4 tbsp scallions, chopped
In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise, sweet chili sauce, and sriracha. Set aside. Combine lettuce and cabbage and divide among four plates. Set aside. Coat shrimp with cornstarch, mixing well with your hands. Heat a large skillet or wok on high heat. When hot, add oil and once the oil is hot, add the shrimp to hot pan and cook tossing a few times until cooked through, about 3 minutes. Remove from pan and combine with the sauce coating well. Place shrimp on lettuce and top with scallions. Enjoy!
It's been a rough couple of days here. Emilie came down with some type of stomach virus and had many dirty diapers, which then gave her a horrible diaper rash. We've spent most of the week here at the house, fighting that rash and trying to get house work done. But I can't really get much done! I put on Sesame Street in the living room and then snuck back to my bedroom to fold laundry and turned on Live! with Kelly and tried to watch the host chat with Martin Short, who is always hilarious. But they found me! Not only did they come find me, they brought 15 million toys in with them and destroyed my bedroom and bathroom within seconds. They LOVE playing in my closet for some reason. I'll be looking for a shoe and have to sort through toys, lego blocks, and a shampoo bottle to get to my shoes. They love it back there. They got so loud, I couldn't hear the tv.
Elmo no longer holds a magic spell over my children. It's a sad day. (That's ok. Dora does.)
It happened again the next day. We were upstairs and they were playing in the playroom, ignoring me. So I thought, I'll sneak into the nursery, strip the bedding, move the mattress, and try and adjust the crib to a higher setting for the new baby. Nooooo. They found me again. Now the nursery is trashed. I got the mattress sitting on one end, bedding on the floor, and books and toys everywhere. Nap time is the only time that I can get a room picked up and looking good for more than an hour. They are pretty good about cleaning up if I ask them to, but they can make a room look real bad, real fast.
I love them though. They crack me up. Yesterday Aubrie grabbed Emilie and planted a kiss on her head and said, "I love you Emi. You're my best friend." Then later she was correcting her at the dinner table and telling her to use her spoon. Emilie loves to ring Aubrie's buttons. Her latest favorite is to go up to Aubrie while she is sitting in a chair and back into her lap and try and sit on her lap. It drives her crazy. She'll push her away and yell, "No EMI! I'm not a chair!" and Emilie with just look at me and smile and back up to her again. Amazing how little siblings are wired to drive older siblings crazy. :)
I was NEVER like that. I was always loving and respectful to my brother. :)
Love to all!
Love to all!
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