Adam's grandma makes this yummy mix called Christmas Crunch (you can check out the recipe
here) and we were looking for a Fall version to make. Adam loves when I mix just nuts and candy corn to have around for football game snacking, but I was looking for something different this year. After some searching, I found a couple of recipes I liked and came up with my own. It makes a lot so if it is for just you and the family, you might want to make half a recipe. But if you have some friends coming over to hang out and watch the game, go ahead and make the whole batch. But listen, take a couple of handfuls and stash them away for yourself, because it will go fast!
Crunchy Fall Football Mix
4 cups Golden Graham cereal
2 cups Cocoa Puff cereal
3 cups pretzel sticks
1-1 1/2 cups peanut butter candies like M&Ms or Reese's Pieces
2 cups dry roasted peanuts
16 oz white chocolate baking squares OR vanilla candy coating (I used vanilla. Kroger sells them in a little tray that you just pop in the microwave and stir. So easy!)
In a large mixing bowl, combine the cereals, pretzel sticks, candies, and peanuts. Melt your white chocolate or vanilla coating in the microwave. It usually states on the package to microwave it for 1 minute and then stir. Then microwave in 15 second intervals and stir until chocolate is completely melted. (If you by the bar, cut it up into pieces before you microwave.) Then pour it over the top and stir. Immediately spoon out big chunks onto wax paper laid out on your counter. The mix will dry in large clumps that are easier for folks to grab a chunk and eat while sitting in front of the t.v. Once the chocolate has dried/hardened, dump it into a large bowl and watch it quickly disappear! Enjoy!
We have been holding up well over here. Adam is on his last week of leave and we are going to go through some serious withdrawals when he goes back to work. Nobody plays like dad does.
Emilie took dad some water while he was mowing the lawn last week. She's a good helper! |
We had company in town last weekend for Labor Day. Granny and Gaga were here to meet Kyle. The girls were so excited to see them. Gaga brought some of our doll house furniture that he fixed and the girls unwrapped it and were so excited to see their chairs that have been missing! We always have a couple of things for him to fix when he comes to town.
Kyle was sleeping when they got here so they had to wait for him to wake up. I love the below picture of Adam handing him over to Granny.
It's always nice to have the house full of family. Granny and mom cooked and everyone held the baby a lot and I got a nap in AND Adam and I even went to the grocery store without any children!
The girls still enjoy Kyle. They were playing with him the other night while he was on the mat. Emilie loves giving him tickles and Aubrie loves talking to him. The other day he was fussing while I was getting her yogurt and I asked her to go over and see if he wanted his pacifier and to talk to him. She went over there and softly sang a song and he immediately stopped crying and listened for her. It was so sweet.
Going from 2 kids to 3 really has been an easier transition than switching to 2 kids. What is most helpful is that Aubrie and Emilie have each other and they are best friends. They now go upstairs to the playroom while I clean up breakfast, or go play in my closet and I don't have to entertain anybody. When we had Emilie, we were Aubrie's play friends and we were constantly having to entertain while taking care of a newborn.
But really, the hardest transition is having just 1 kid! I'll never forget how daunting the task of breastfeeding was when we had Aubrie. All of the sudden, I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without having to feed her every two hours. I went from only having to worry about myself to worrying about a newborn that I knew nothing about and on top of that, deal with all the things you go through after having a baby: ugly stretch marks, a large soft stomach, black lines under your eyes from lack of sleep, hormones trying to recover, and breastfeeding. The list is truly endless. I look back and laugh about it now and wish that I was more relaxed so I could enjoy it better like I have with Emilie and Kyle. But it is what it is.
For all you new moms, hang in there. You'll feel normal again and you are still beautiful. Just tired and a little softer in the mid-section than you recall. Nothing some good exercise can't fix. And you'll get used to thinking about "us" instead of "me" and pretty soon you'll turn and ask your husband, "What did we do on Saturdays before we had children?" and realize your life was pretty boring before children. But my favorite part is still coming for me and it will happen to you. It's the first time your baby looks at you and smiles...intentionally. Not the gassy smile they do when they sleep. They will look you in the eyes, smile, and all the lack of sleep, crying, and diaper blow outs they have put you through will go away. It's priceless!
The girls started Mother's Day Out (MDO) this week and they were so excited. They had cuter back to school outfits picked out but Emilie spilled milk and cereal all over her outfit and had to change and Aubrie wanted to be matching so she changed to look like Emilie, too. We have extra cocoa puffs left over and Adam's let the girls eat them for breakfast. They call them chocolate ping pong balls.
When Adam was putting Aubrie down for bed tonight, he said, "Nite nite Aubrie. What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"
She replied, "Chocolate ping pong balls!"
"Ok babe, see you in the morning. Nite nite. Love you."
"Love you Chocolate Ping Pong Ball Eater!"
She cracks us up. She says some really interesting things. She also has an imaginary friend/pet. It's Hello Kitty. She only has a Hello Kitty shirt and really hasn't been exposed to a lot of Hello Kitty stuff. But this cat goes to school with her, sits on the floor by her chair while she eats, and says things that makes her laugh. Tonight Petey got in trouble for laying on top of Hello Kitty.
For those of you who loved their bags, they are really affordable and I love them. They are super cute and I can throw them in the washing machine. I found them on Etsy at a shop called The Monogram Gift Shop and you can check out their site below!
I hope everyone is doing well! Kyle went to the doctor today is now a 10 pound baby and grew 3/4 of an inch! He's slept good the past two days and we are probably going to transition him into the nursery this next week. We'll have to see. Love to all!
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