Well folks, this is it. It's been five weeks and my help left this morning. Adam and I are now on our own with our 3 lively children. Dad came to town on Wednesday to meet Kyle. He calls our children by their number (in Spanish). Aubrie is Cuatro, Emilie is Seis, and Kyle is lucky number Siete. It was so good to see him. I haven't seen him since Easter.
I've had such a mixture of emotions about my mom and dad leaving. I probably have said this way too much, but I feel so fulfilled and content with our newest family member and now having a family of five. Our hearts are so full. Also, knowing this is my last, I've enjoyed every minute. Kyle is such a good baby. He eats so well and is already on a good schedule. But at the same time, this is the last time my mom is going to come to town and help me get back on my feet after having a baby. I really cherish the time we have together. She not only is really helpful, but I have so much fun with her. Being around us helps her remember things from when she had Robbie and I.
I loved making my mom a grandma. They say there is nothing like your own daughter having a baby. When my mom came into the recovery room after my surgery and Adam was with Kyle in the NICU, she didn't know what I had yet. So she walked in with big eyes and a big smile and I couldn't wait to tell her. When I told her we had a boy, she slapped my bed rail, and said, "You did?!" and put her head down and laughed. She was so excited for us. It was actually the first time I got to break the news to her. With Aubrie, I was in recovery for a long time and Adam got to tell her. With Emilie, she overheard the nurse tell the other nurse that we had a girl before she saw us. I'm glad I got to finally experience her initial reaction.
I hate living so far away, but cherish the memories we make when we are all together. Thanks mom for all your help! Thanks dad for loaning me mom for all those weeks to help us out. I love you guys!
So in the meantime, Aubrie has learned how to shake her hips while she sings and dances and it is quite a scene! I think she is going through a growth spurt. She ate 3 servings of french toast the other morning, always asks for more food, and even took a 3 hour nap the other day!
This sweet princess went BACK to the doctor on Friday because she still grabs her ear, screams, and is pretty miserable. Every once in a while, I have to get out her knit hat and let her wear it around the house. It really helps her out. The doctor told us to give the medicine 10 days to work, so it looks like I'll be back on Monday because tonight she was quite a little bear. |
Thanks for the shoes Aunt Jackie! I've already worn a pair to church on Sunday and the girls think they are for them... |
The girls being silly for me and Gram. |
Here's my big 5 week old! His head is so strong and we weighed him yesterday and he's 11 lbs 9 oz! Such a big guy!! |
Poppy is here! |
Emilie helped Poppy fix the toilet! |
Aubrie swung a hammer and helped push the nails back in our fence. |
And in case you were wondering, all is well in the world because I got my first smile this week from sweet baby Kyle. He's so precious! |
Gram's birthday is October 6th and so we stuck a candle in her french toast and sang happy birthday to her. |
Here we are before mom and dad left this morning. I was a hot mess. I cried a lot and as a matter of fact, I'm crying now. Growing up and moving away from home is tough, but that is what we are supposed to do. I cannot wait to help my three children grow up to be exceptional people and help them when they start their families. I'm thankful for my family! |
I hope everyone is doing well. Love to all!
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