We made it! We flew out of Nashville on Saturday morning and flew to El Paso. 5 hours and 5 minutes. Then we loaded up into dad's truck and drove 1.5 hours to mom and dad's house. All the kids did well. Adam sat in a row with the girls and enjoyed watching movies on the iPad and Kyle rode on my lap and slept or smiled at strangers. We only had one difficult moment when Emilie got tired and decided she wanted mommy and tried to climb over Adam to get to me across the isle. Adam tried to restrain her and keep her from me which caused screaming and crying and so Adam and I switched places and he held Kyle and I calmed the girls down. In Emilie's defense, she's two. And she was hungry.
As we were driving to mom and dad's house, it started sprinkling and all our bags are in the back of dad's truck. We had the camera in one bag, breast pump in another, chargers and medicine in another. Adam thought we should pull over and pull out everything that couldn't get wet and put it up front. I just wanted to keep going and live on a prayer. He got his way and we pulled over and he kept asking me which bag what was in. I got mad and had to get out and dig through bags with him which caused me to get dirty because of the truck and I HATE...absolutely HATE when people rummage through my stuff. I pack neatly and know where stuff is, so I KNOW when someone has been in my bag, diaper bag, purse, because everything is jumbled up.
Anyways, we were biting at each other, RUMMAGING through bags and we both got on the truck and were buckling up and getting ready to pull back on the highway when out of the blue, Aubrie started singing a song to the tune of Amazing Grace. The words were like, "I'm going to Poppy's house and I like to play. At Gram's house is so much fun!" but it was all to the tune Amazing Grace. I sighed big and said, "Amazing Grace..." and we both smiled. How neat it is that Aubrie was able to diffuse our little quarrel and pretty much the tenseness of the whole day by singing that song. Kids are so precious!
We made it! I've got my Texas A&M sweatshirt on and dad's boots and I'm ready to help feed the cows and horses! (By the way, I'm still giddy over the Aggies beating Alabama. What a game! I was an Aggie fan since my brother went to school there and took me to a game. The fans are electric and it was such a fun experience. I then adopted Adam's team, the Fighting Irish...but you all know how giddy we are about them this year!) |
Here's the goat mom and dad got for the girls to enjoy. They call it Rojo (red is Spanish) but gave Aubrie a chance to name it and she chose "Hella". So we naturally chose the last name of "Goodtime." |
Aubrie and the calves |
Dad's got these old coffee canisters that the girls carry the feed in. The hay makes poor Emilie's nose run. |
Mom and I went for a run yesterday. Don't we look fierce? |
Gigi, my Grandma, got here on Sunday. She was pushing Kyle around in the stroller to get him to sleep. |
Adam and the kids. I love the mountains. The number one thing I miss about Arizona! |
My brother, Robbie, can't make it until late Wednesday, maybe Thursday, so we convinced his wife Kasey to drive down yesterday with cousin Lindsey and we are so glad they did!! The girls were asking for Lindsey Lou every hour! |
Bedtime story on Gram's bed. Is it just me, or is Adam really into the story? |
I wanted to make a new shower curtain for the kids' bathroom and last time mom was visiting in Nashville, she helped me plan it out and buy material and we did it while we were here. I did the cutting, mom did the sewing, Gigi and Adam did the ruffling. It was a lengthy project and I'm thankful for all my help!! |
I hope everyone is traveling safely to their destinations. I love Thanksgiving and spending time with family. I'm anxiously waiting for a couple of friends to have their babies and counting all my blessings. Hopefully I'll have time to post another entry before I go. My brother Troy, his wife Tammy, and my two nephews Dillon and Dalton will be here tomorrow. My nephew Dee and his girlfriend just got here and Robbie is hopefully coming soon. Love to all!
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