I had a wonderful surprise! My parents came to town! It couldn't have come at a better time. The week before, Adam was in Memphis for two days and then he was off to New York for 3 days and they came in town just in time to help me out! It was SOOO nice having them here to help. They drove instead of flew. My dad used to be a salesman and traveled all over this great country. He loves to drive and see the country and my mom likes to ride along. I love how much my parents love each other.
The kids were SO excited to see Gram and Poppy. They got here right when nap time was over. |
Such a cutie! |
One of my favorite events was when the girls finished breakfast and they were getting ready for school, Aubrie fell down while dancing. She started to cry because she hurt her bottom and so my mom took her over to dad to show her the "boo boo". My dad said, "Oh no! It's cracked!!" Aubrie was devastated that it was cracked! So my mom went and got an ice pack for her bottom.
And of course, Emilie wanted one, too. So they both iced their bottoms. Poppy and Gram had a good laugh out of that. They stayed like that for a while.
Poor Kyle screamed a lot one night and has been congested for a week. After his night of screaming, I felt that he earned a trip to the doctor's office to get his ears checked. Sure enough, he had a horrible ear infection in his right ear. Poor kid. |
Poppy spent a lot of time on Craigslist, looking at all kinds of deals. Mom went with me to go workout every morning at 5:45 and Poppy was left to deal with any kids that woke up. Aubrie would wake up and go sit by him with the iPad and they both would "work" together. We called it our Starbucks WiFi corner. |
This next sequence of pictures goes to show you that Emilie is still 2. Just the other weekend at Costco, I had to apologize to passer-bys who were having to walk around her as she was on all fours, crying that her boot fell off. I just said, "Sorry, she's 2." and some seemed to understand as they passed by and some looked at us like we were crazy. She needs ignored and left alone to work through whatever she is going through. Anyway, I wanted a picture of them with my parents before they left and Emilie absolutely would NOT participate. I took about 20 pictures. These are my favorites.
No Emi |
Screaming Emi |
Possessed Emi |
Blurry Emi |
About-to-go-boneless Emi |
Thanks for coming, mom and dad. I hope you had just as much fun as we did. I hope everyone is doing well! The girls have been running fevers with no other symptoms and Kyle seems to be getting better. Actually, the other day Emilie opted out of breakfast and sure enough, at about 10 she came up and said, "Mommy, I need a samich!" I explained to her that she skipped breakfast and that she needed to wait for lunch. I was a little sympathetic so I gave her 2 dried apricots for her and 2 for her sister and returned to my bathroom to wipe down the counters and mop the floors. (Kyle was napping.) When I got done cleaning the bathroom, I came back to the living room and Emilie was sitting on the carpet with the bag of dried apricots and probably ate 1/3 of the bag. She had self-inflicted diarrhea the rest of the day. She kept belching and didn't want to eat anything. She's such a mess.
Anyway, I hope we stay gunk free and make it to warmer weather. I can't believe it is already March. It snowed here today and yesterday. Gross. I'm ready for short sleeves and working in the yard. Anybody else??
Love to all!
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