My parents went home today. Boo Hoo. We had so much fun! I enjoyed having time with just the three of us (mom, dad, and I) while the girls were in school and Adam was at work. It has been a LONG time since that has happened. We ran some errands and I took them to the Loveless Cafe for lunch. Mom and dad helped me with projects around the house. We changed out our locks, put padding under my rug, spray painted the mailbox, and dad taught me how to change the oil and spark plugs on the lawn mower. Mom and I did some cooking. I made my lasagna and she helped me try a fried zucchini recipe. I'll share that with you soon. We also made three pies. An apple, a pumpkin, and banana cream. I even put the sugar in the pumpkin pie this time!
The girls loved having them here. Emilie didn't act shy around Poppy and Aubrie loved wrestling with Gram. Emilie did a lot of walking while they were here. She is really starting to walk. She even falls down, gets back up, and keeps walking. It won't be long! Aubrie showed off her new potty training skills. She's out of diapers now and is doing pretty well. Accidents are minimal. We're so proud of her!!
The girls and I "getting" daddy |
Gram made the girls matching dresses. Too cute! |
Emilie loved walking to Poppy and then climbing in his lap. She wouldn't sit long and then go walk over to Gram. In this picture she was serving coffee. |
Aubrie would wait until Poppy was reclined and go attack him and wrestle. |
Gram playing with the girls in their tunnel. |
On another note, did anyone catch our Belmont Bruins last night?? Lost a heart breaker to Duke by one point. It was an exciting game for us to watch. We look forward to an exciting season this year! Go Bruins!!!
Love to all!
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Please tell me you didn't do all of that in one day!!! How do you get so much done? I guess you did have 3 adults and no children for a short time, but still, that is a lot. Your parents are so efficient in their time with you. Love seeing pics of them with the girls. Hate that I missed seeing my girl Shellie while in town. Hopefully I will catch her next time. We'll see you soon?