Well folks, we made it. It was a rough drive on the way home due to a large volume of cars and rain. It rained the whole way from Indiana. What should have been a 8 hour trip turned into a 9 1/2 hour trip. It was painful. Emilie would fall asleep, but then traffic would come to a stop (on the interstate) and it would wake her up and she would scream. Aubrie doesn't nap in the car, so she was just rotten from being stuck in the car and being tired. At one point, I was driving and Adam was trying to sleep with his head back and mouth wide open. Aubrie got ahold of a hair rubber band and sling-shot it right past Adam's nose and onto the front dash. It didn't wake him. Petey rode in the very back and was pretty good. We watched Frosty the Snowman about six times. I now hate it. But we made it safely! And we are thankful for that!
We had a wonderful time. I will share a couple of pictures from our trip and then off to bed. Today was full of laundry, unpacking, grocery shopping, and a chiropractor visit. AND of course a trip to the gym. :) I hope everyone else is recovering from their Thanksgiving weekend.
Love to all!
Our beautiful table at Granny's house |
Emilie helping herself to my pumpkin pie |
Gaga showing Aubrie her initials on the kitty |
SANTA!!!! |
Candy canes from Santa!! |
Cheese! Emilie is finally feeling better the last day we are there. |
Aubrie Jane at Grandma's pretty table |
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