Sorry I haven't posted much in a while. I've been tired and busy doing other things after the little ones go down. And really, putting the girls down is one of our favorites...NO, not because that means we have 10 hours of quiet time without children, but really because we have a routine that runs pretty smoothly and it requires family bonding. Aubrie will undress herself while Adam undresses Emilie and the bath water gets warm. Then he bathes both girls and I get their milk ready and sometimes I'll take that time to straighten out their rooms, put clothes away, replenish wipes...stuff like that. Then they come racing out of the bath tub and Aubrie needs my helping putting on her penguins (robe) and Adam gets Emilie ready for bed. Here he is brushing her hair.

There's not much better than a dad with his girls. So once Aubrie picks a book, the three of them settle in the chair and I kneel at their feet and read the book to them. The selection tonight was "The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too." by Mo Willems. Probably my favorite author. |
Here is Emilie showing us her happy face. She's getting help from Aubrie who is trying to tickle her chin. |
Here is Aubrie's and half of daddy's angry face. It was funny because when we read the part about the pigeon being angry, Aubrie said, "I was angry today!" I highly doubt that. We were at bible study today and she LOVES it. |
After we read the book, we say our prayers and pass out kisses. Here is what is about to be a big sisterly kiss. :) |
Once all that mess is over, Aubrie uses the potty and brushes her teeth and Emilie gets put down in her crib and another day goes down in the books. Success for mom and dad.
Both of Emilie's Mother's Day Out teachers are expecting and they held a little shower for them so I was spending the past couple of night's trying to get these hats finished for them. I learned how to crochet from YouTube. I've really enjoyed it and I'm not too good at it, but these last two hats were my best. For a while, I couldn't get the sizes correct, so I switched the stitch and now they turn out much better. I really enjoy making these little hats because I think of the sweet little babies that will be wearing them. I love how these turned out.
A sweet owl for the baby girl. |
A monster for the baby boy |
I hope everyone is doing well and sticking to your New Year's resolutions!!! :) I really didn't make a good one for myself this year, but I'm sure I'll come up with some project or goal and try to achieve it. Love to all!
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Those hats are Uuuhhhhmazing, Kellie!