Today my dear husband turns 30! It doesn't seem to bother him any because I'm 8 months older and he finds great joy in that. We've celebrated his birthday in Nashville with his parents. They were in town for their spring break. His mom made his favorite cake and for his present he wanted a garden (two raised beds) and two apple trees. I haven't gotten around to taking any pictures, but I intend to when we get back to Nashville and I will share it with you.
Now we are in Texas visiting my parents. Before children, we rotated Christmas and Thanksgiving with our parents. Now that we have children it's too difficult to spend that much money on tickets and travel back to back, so now we rotate Thanksgiving and Easter. This is our first Easter at the Walker house since we have been married. My brothers are on their way here right now and I can't wait to see them, their sweet wives, and my niece and nephews. Also, my Grandma (Gigi) came for this get together, so I'm in heaven!
Our flight here went smoothly. We were on the plane for 4.5 hours. We had to make one stop in San Antonio and Aubrie got mad when we didn't get off the plane. Emilie started getting fussy as we got closer because it was her nap time. Adam was fussy as well because his meal times were off and he had only slept 5 hours the night before because he was up late doing work and got up early to do work and meet deadlines. He slept for 10 hours his first night here. I'm glad he's getting his rest and I hope he's enjoyed all the birthday festivities. We had his favorite food, Chimichangas and guacamole, for dinner last night. He also had an apple pie for his birthday cake. Then we had a pinata for him and it was the girls' first time seeing a pinata being hit.
Apple pie birthday cake. Adam blew out one candle and let the girls blow out the rest. |
My brother Troy and his wife Tammy gave the girls Christmas presents and they've been here at the house since Christmas so they opened them yesterday. They got baby dolls and it has been a HUGE hit! Emilie's is baby Betty and Aubrie's is Alice. |
Here is Aubrie riding Duke. |
Gigi and Emilie are riding Duke and Poppy and Aubrie are riding Slick. |
Adam and his pinata. Dad had a blast pulling the pinata out of the way for the big guy. |
Emilie fussed the entire time we did the pinata. She didn't care and wanted to be doing something else and I had to hold her the whole time. But as soon as she saw candy come spilling out, she yelled "CANDY!" and jumped out of my arms to go get some. |
Poppy got the grandkids a red wagon and they were pretty excited to see it. It gets rode in a lot. Even the dog, Lady, jumps in. In the background is mom's truck when she was a teenager. It's name is Greener. It's a 1958 Chevrolet. One time dad asked me to move it from the house down to the barn. I asked Adam to ride with me and he said he'd rather walk. So I started it up and the brakes stopped working. I wasn't going fast at the time, so I just opened the door, and yelled out to my dad, "The brakes aren't working!!" He just yelled, "Well, hold on Sis!" So I shut the door right when it started heading down a short hill and was picking up speed. I was headed for the barn, a gate, and a fence with no seat belt. So I gripped the wheel and hit the gate which snapped open and then I was in the pasture headed down a bigger hill but luckily, if you head downhill, you've got to go back up! So as soon as it was time to go back up, I cranked the wheel and turned it as I headed up and luckily that slowed us down and stopped us. I don't think I've EVER seen Adam's eyes that big! |
Watching the horses eat their grain. |
Aubrie feeding Alice a bottle. She's a good little mama. |
Tickling Poppy. |
Coloring Easter eggs using Aunt Jackie's cups. Aunt Jackie made these cups for mom and dad when they got married. |
Of course, we've had french toast. And of course, Aubrie has to help stir. |
Emilie carrying the grain out to the horses. Look at the skinned up knees. |
Aubrie handing the grain to Poppy, but not without tasting some first. :) |
I hope everyone else is enjoying their Easter. I hope I get around to posting more, but if not, when I get back to Nashville, I'll catch you up! Love to all!
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