We made it back to Nashville safely. I wish I could say sanely, but traveling with two little ones (and being pregnant) is not comfortable. Our returning trip was much easier, though. We had to stop in Houston this time and had to get off the plane. So we had lunch, let the girls run CRAZY and then got on our last flight. Neither one would settle for a nap. On our final descent, Emilie finally rested her head on my chest and passed out. She only got to sleep for about ten minutes while we taxied, but it seemed to be enough. When she woke up, she started to clap and said, "Yay! I did it!" I thought, "me too!"
Luckily we had great flight crews who were patient and sweet. We also had friendly passengers that didn't seem to mind our kids. Aubrie could be occupied with Dora on the IPhone but Emilie just had to be moving around, doing something. Mostly doing the Mexican Hat Dance on my belly. At one point she grabbed my shirt to pull herself up and my whole right side was exposed. Luckily, I was sitting by the window and nobody saw it. It wasn't one of my best moments. Like I said, traveling with two little ones is tough.
Overall, we were so happy to be in Texas to visit family. I enjoyed spending time with everyone and the visit was just right. Here are a few pictures to share.
Aubrie, Lindsey, and Emilie all helping Poppy feed the horses. I cannot get enough pictures of the cousins together. They were so much fun to watch. If Aubrie was slacking at a meal, we would just tell her she better hurry so she can go help feed Duke and she would finish eating. |
The girls hanging out in the trailer, waiting for their turn to ride the horses. |
Gram and Robbie. |
Dad had two arena events for us (except me). One was barrel racing, but you could not go faster than a trot. Dillon won that event. The second was ribbon roping. You had to go untie a ribbon off of Pedro (the donkey) and run back to the starting line. Mom and dad were the winners of that event. |
Last we had a foot race for the younger kids. One would ask, "Kellie? Is your mom really taking off in a full sprint and going to beat all her grandchildren instead of letting them win?" The answer is yes. She smoked them and didn't seem to care. :) |
Here are all the cousins. The older boys, Dillon (left) and Dalton (right), were so good about playing with the girls. They were so patient and sweet. |
There was a lot of love being passed around. |
LOTS of love. :) |
Here are the girls on Easter morning. They were ready to hunt eggs! |
Here is the family. We have Gigi in the front row with the girls. Robbie and Kasey in the back left. Dad and mom in the center. Troy, Tammy, Dillon, and Dalton in the center. And me and the big guy on the right. |
Cousins. Aubrie wouldn't smile. |
Here are my two handsome brothers. |
On our last night, some huge Thunder heads rolled in and I loved watching them come in and the smell of rain. I miss the mountains and the sunsets. And after being here, I miss being able to watch a storm coming towards you. :) But it is good to be back in Nashville. We came back to green grass, leafy trees, beautiful flowers, a spoiled dog, and some great friends. |
Love to all!
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