I can officially say that we safely made it to and back from our annual lake trip. Every year for the 4th we go up to Granny's lake cottage and spend a whole week at the lake. On our way up, we weren't but 30 minutes North of Nashville before we see a car lose control in the Southbound lanes and it crosses the large, grassy median and heads right for our car. All in one motion, Adam jerked the wheel (we were in the passing lane) and the car just missed us but the semi truck we just passed clipped its back side and sent it spinning and the semi slammed on the brakes and jack-knifed its trailer. We thought that we were hit because debris hit our car. It went through a thick wire fence and kicked up dirt. We were only hit by the dirt. I'm so thankful for the following reasons: God was protecting us, we both were watching the road and saw it coming, and my husband, being a good driver, was able to avoid getting hit. I was really shaken up as I looked back at the accident. But in order to look back, I had to look past Aubrie, who was sitting right where the car would have hit us. I'm so thankful for the Lord's travel mercies on this trip.
When we were North of Indianapolis, it started to rain and I watched our thermostat go from 96 to 82. Ahhh! I thought. A pleasant Indiana summer. I was looking forward to going up there to cool off and enjoy time away from Nashville, which broke the record before we left with a high of 108. But I was in for a bigger treat. I always complain that it is too cold up there. You have to wear a sweater on the boat and on some days, you have to be crazy to stay in the cold water for too long. But not this trip. Not when I only have 6 weeks left to go in this pregnancy. On this trip, the news said it was the hottest summer since 1935. Granny remembered it. They didn't have air conditioning then. But we were sure staying inside with all 4 window air conditioning units going full blast the whole week. It was just as bad as having a rainy week at the lake. Everybody was crammed inside and didn't want to go out. Bless Adam and Adrian who both were brave enough to grill dinner last week.
Emilie giving Gaga a check-up. She is pretty smitten with him. She constantly talked to him and was giving him the sweet eyes. |
The girls slept on the enclosed porch with blow up mattresses. It was their first time sleeping in the same room. On the first morning, Emilie had gotten out of her bed and they were jumping on Aubrie's bed. So Adam and I started jumping up to grab whichever kid was up first and put them into our bed so they didn't wake each other. Or wake up the whole cottage by sumo-jumping on beds and squealing. Adam says that this was his favorite memory from the week. It has been awhile since that big girl has slept on his chest. |
On top of the heat, Indiana is having a drought and the lake water was a lot lower than we are used to. We couldn't jump in and when Petey jumped in, he would hit the bottom for a little while. The girls could jump in, though! Here is Adam throwing Emilie in the air. He said that if "Child Chucking" was an Olympic sport, he would win. His shoulders got tired. |
Thanks for the glasses K-Sue and Kelly. Diva Aubrie needed them. |
On the day of the 4th, we all go to Adam's parents house in Bremen for a BBQ. Later we all walk to the park for the carnival. Nobody sat outside because it was so hot and it was pretty hot at the carnival as well. But my girls sure looked cute. |
Best dad ever. Crammed himself in the rides with his girls. Can you see the sweat?? |
Tia was a sport. She switched turns with Adam and rode the rides with the girls. She enjoys wild rides, but there wasn't anything wild about the worm ride. Emilie enjoyed it. I owe them big time next year. Adam's going to make me cram my rear on all the kiddy rides for pay back. |
The girls cooling off with a snow cone before we walk home. "Why does Aubrie have a huge wrap on her hand?" you ask. Well, I just turned off my curling iron and I handed it and a bag to Adam to take to the car before guests started to arrive. Aubrie ran up to him and grabbed the curling iron. Everybody flipped out. She wouldn't show me her hand, she just squeezed it closed and screamed. So I sent Adam to go get some coconut oil while I talked her into holding a piece of ice. Well, when she finally opened up her hand, there was barely a red mark on her. She was fine. So I babied her and had her hold ice and suck on ice (to stop the screaming). Adam couldn't find coconut oil at the local store and was freaking out and feeling horrible, so I told him to come back home. We thought we had her over it, but then somebody asked to see it, which I guess brought up the traumatic memory of it all, and she was back to screaming. So we got some bactine spray, and then wrapped her up with some gauze and bandages. It wasn't enough though. She needed a frog bandaid on the other hand to distract her from her injured, non-working hand. When we got back from the carnival, she was red and sticky from her snow cone, so Adam said he was going to take off all her bandages and wash her hands, then we would re-bandage her. Well, wouldn't you know it, when he un-wrapped her, she looked at her hand and gasped, "Oh my goodness! It's perfect!" She ran in to tell me that it was all miraculously healed. Thank goodness! She wasn't very useful with only one hand working. |
"Why does Emilie have a scrape on her nose and above her lip?" you ask. (I love how interactive you guys are.) Well, Emilie took a nose dive off of the step onto the concrete. Her lip was fat for a day, but she only cried a little. We just got done getting rid of a big strawberry on her knee and then she busts up her face. She doesn't care though. If it were Aubrie, we probably would've had to lay her down in front of an Elmo movie, give her some ice cream to help dull the pain, and apply cream every 30 minutes. :) |
I try and take pictures of the girls on the pier. This time I bribed with candy. It worked. |
Sweet sisters |
Granny has a swing on the porch and the girls would take their bath, get in their jammies, and swing with Granny or read a book. |
Dad and Emilie tried to make a sand castle. |
And don't you worry about this guy. He was in the water plenty of times. I was a little disappointed. We let him loose on a flock of geese, but I guess he felt out-numbered and he didn't chase them down. But he had a lot of fun and was pretty worn out. I love that worn out face. |
Here is Emilie loving on Granny. Aubrie sat by Granny at every meal. One night Granny elbowed Aubrie and said, "We are pals. We were both born in February." Aubrie really liked that because all week she would be elbowing Granny and reminding her that they are pals. |
Emilie passing some love on to Gaga. |
Yep. I did it. I wore a two piece. Proudly. Why not? It was hot. I was miserable. The baby loved not having to be covered up and so did I. The neighbors would catch me and say, "We feel so bad for you." Haha. But really, the heat hasn't done me in yet. I'm still going strong. It is the swollen feet and the aching back from this baby hanging all the way down to my knees. I never feel over-heated. I just feel like an old lady. One day my hips were killing me, a muscle in my thigh felt like it was going to cramp, and my ankles and feet were swollen. I told Adam that I don't remember feeling this sore and immobile since preseason for college volleyball. And let me tell you folks, that was tough. You'd weigh in before practice, work hard in the muggy August gym for 2 hours, weigh out to see if you lost too much weight, and then return to do it TWO MORE TIMES!!! Remembering 3-a-days makes me shudder. When I put it that way, it was just another confirmation that this is it and it is time to close down shop. I can't wait for my finale in 5 1/2 weeks. :) |
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! Love to all!!
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