I'm still recovering from a wild birthday weekend for Emilie. She turned 2 on Thursday and then had a party on Saturday with some of her friends. Adam's parents were on their fall break so they came down and brought Grandpa and Granny Huhnke with them. It's always nice when they can make the trip, especially for Emilie's or Aubrie's birthday because Grandpa's birthday is right before Emilie's and Granny's is right after Aubrie's.
My personal excitement started on Tuesday when I went to visit the chiropractor for the first time since having Kyle. I've been having some chest and back pain and sure enough, my chest was out of line (gross) and so was my neck, mid-back, and pelvis. Go figure. After leaving my chiropractor's office, I felt like a million bucks. I have been doing push-ups and tricep dips with our new cross fit workout and since my body still has an abundance of relaxin hormones (the hormone that lets your ligaments loose and makes you unstable and more prone to injury) I think I over did it and now have to modify some of my exercises. If anyone is looking for a great Chiropractor, go see Dr. Knight at Crist Chiropractic. She's amazing!!!!
Anyway, I spent a lot of time running around the house, getting things ready for company and hosting a party and it was all worth it because we had a blast!
Getting ready to open presents with Tia. Aubrie is dressed as a lady bug because at school they got to dress up. |
Yeehaw! Thanks for the hat Gram and Poppy! |
Granny playing with the girls while I made cake. |
Emilie helping Gaga blow up the candles on his apple pie. When he was a child, his mom would make him an apple pie for his birthday and if his siblings wanted a piece, he would sell one to them. His mom said the pie was just for him and he could do whatever he wanted with it. Nowadays, he gives away pieces for free. |
Blowing out candles with great concentration!! |
We had a lot of super dads at the party. Here's Luke enjoying a cake pop with his daddy, Tim. |
Emilie's new favorite baby from Gigi. Please note her adorable cupcake outfit from Lil' Bug Clothing!! |
For my birthday, Amanda got me push pop containers and a cookbook, Push Up Pops by Courtney Dial Whitmore. Aren't they cute! I can't wait to try the other recipes! |
I also made an apple cake to go with the push pops. Thanks to Lana and Granny AND Amanda for your help with the cake measuring, icing, and coaching! |
Super dad Sunny and baby Rhett! |
Super dad Mike and Emilie's pal Trace who was a gentleman and brought her flowers. What a guy! |
Thanks to everyone who came! We had such a good time! Thanks to Marcie for grabbing my camera and taking pictures! We can't believe that we now have a 2 year old, 3 3/4 year old, and baby Kyle who is growing like a weed. You might notice that there aren't many pictures of him in the party pictures. He went down for a nap as soon as the first guests got there and woke up right after our last guest left. What a party pooper! :)
Love to all!!
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