It finally happened! Kyle got to meet the Drabyn family! Our Steve is an assistant coach at Stetson University and they were in town to play/beat Lipscomb. We love it because we get to see Steve, Brit stays with us, Aimee and her fiance, Rob, comes around, and we get to see the Mom and Papa Drabyn! What a treat! The kids love all the attention. I enjoy spending time with Brit and talking health food, Adam enjoys riding Steve about anything and everything. My dream is that they one day move next door and have six babies.
For those who don't know, Steve was Adam's roommate/teammate at Belmont. They were an unlikely pair who turned out to push each other, compliment each other, and to be close friends. We love Steve. This was his first time meeting Kyle. Adam had to teach him the power stance when holding Kyle because the kid is so heavy!! |
One day Kyle will be a good shooter thanks to Uncle Steve. :) |
We have had a lot of company and an eventful week. Aubrie had her 4 year check up. No shots, thankfully. She did need to pee in a cup and as simple as that sounds, it wasn't. She wouldn't go for me the two times I took her, and then when Adam took her one last time before we left, she went for him, but he spilled it. So we had to take home a cup and bring it back later that week for Kyle's 6 month check up. 6 month!!! I can't believe my baby boy is half way to 1 year. Aubrie is 65 percentile in height and 50 percentile in weight. Our Kyle is 94 percentile for weight at 20 lb 6 oz and off the charts (97th percentile) in height at 28 1/2 inches. He got a flu shot when we were at his check up. Thankfully, Brit wanted to keep the girls so I didn't have to take the whole crew to the doctor's office twice that week.
So after a busy week, Adam wanted an easy weekend and wanted to do a movie night with the kids. The girls love popcorn and Aubrie's at a great age where she can sit through a movie and enjoy what is going on. Emilie doesn't so much care about the movie as much as she cares about the snacks.
We had popcorn, yogurt covered pretzels, sweethearts, and banana chips |
They picked a classic. Who doesn't love Cinderella? Now, Aubrie will say to Emilie, "Uhhh Gus Gus!" and Emilie will laugh until she can't breathe. They are so silly together. |
Best friends. Ever. |
I'll leave you with some photos of the kids that I've taken around the house the past couple of weeks. I was having a hard day the other day and Adam reminded me that the hardest job in the world is the best job in the world. Thanks babe.
Hey nose eater!! |
What??! |
Stay healthy, give someone a hug. :) Love to all!!
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