This year my dad turned 70 and the whole family got together to celebrate. Adam and I "packed light" and only checked 3 suitcases, 2 car seats, and 4 carry-ons for the trip. Since Kyle is a lap child, he and I sat together in one row and the girls sat with their dad in another. Everyone did really good on the flights. Kyle slept and the girls colored and played on the iPad. One of us adults got to nap and I'll let you guess who. There is always so much anticipation leading up to get to Gram and Poppy's house. They leave their truck for us at the airport, so once we arrive and get our luggage, we load up the car and drive another hour and a half to get to their house.
Poppy letting Kyle pet Slick, the horse. |
Cousins!! The girls were so excited to see their cousin, Lindsey. These girls have so much fun together! |
Cousins |
Aubrie, Emilie, and Lindsey all sleep in cots and blow up mattresses in my mom and dad's room. Aubrie got up early on my dad's birthday and went out to the living room where he was watching the news and gave him a kiss and a hug and told him Happy Birthday, Poppy. She was the first to remember. |
Dad's big surprise were his sisters flying in to see him for his birthday. They walked into the barn and surprised him and he couldn't believe they came. They are so cute. They both live in Kansas City, MO. |
Kyle on the horse |
Kyle with Aunt Brenda and Aunt June |
Troy and Dalton came. We really missed Dillon who was visiting his mom, but the girls had fun playing with Dalton. |
Helping Poppy blow out candles. He's not a fan of cake so he had 2 peach pies. |
Mom surprised dad and got him an iPad for his birthday. We stuck her picture on the screensaver so it was the first thing he saw when he turned it on. He loves it. |
My mom's mom, Gigi, made the trip as well. The kids loved getting some attention from Gigi. Kyle showed her how he can blow bubbles with his milk. |
Story time after bath. |
Dad's friend Jimmy came to visit with his wife Vicki. Jimmy went to school with dad in Arizona so he knew dad and his sisters. |
While we were there, my sweet niece, Lindsey, turned 3! Her mom threw an adorable princess tea party for the girls. They had such a good time! |
Kyle crashed the tea party |
Kisses for the birthday girl! She got pink cowgirl boots for her birthday from mom and dad. |
Girls with their boots |
Adam and I took Aubrie and Emilie on a long ride. It was fun to visit with the girls and let them ride the horses. |
The girls got to help Poppy feed the calves grain every day. They also got to sit in the trough and hand feed some of the braver calves. |
This is Lady, mom's dog. She replaces me since I'm out of the house and all grown. Mom treats her like a baby. She listens to Gigi. Gigi is like a dog whisper and can get them to behave. |
The girls got to help Poppy move the fork lift. Emilie helped steer and Aubrie moved the levers. |
Kyle got his first big boy haircut! It looks like we are restraining him but he actually sat really still and didn't mind at all. It looks like someone else in this photo needed a haircut.... |
We had so much fun at mom and dad's house. Mom spoiled us with such good cooking, big beds, and she even laid sod down so the girls would have some green grass to play on. I got to rope with just Robbie and dad the first day I was there and it brought back a lot of memories from when we lived in Arizona and roped in the afternoons in the front arena. It was good to see Troy and Dalton. I got to watch Dalton calf rope and he's pretty good. Under his dad's instruction, he'll be a pro in no time. Lots of memories made on this trip, for sure and I'm so glad we were there to celebrate Dad. He's such a super guy and doesn't look a day over 40, if you ask me. Love you, dad!
Love to all!!
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Thanks for posting the awesome pictures. Your family is wonderful