Leave it to my two darlings to get in trouble at Princess Dance Camp. A place where they have been learning about etiquette and manners. To curtsy and be graceful...
Aubrie went to dance camp last year and Emilie was quite jealous. Aubrie talked about it all year and when they both found out they would be going this summer, it was the talk of the town. They were so excited and anticipated it greatly.
So, on the first day, I go to pick them up and they said Emilie cried a little because she missed me. Aww, that's sweet. That evening we talk and I tell her that I will be there to pick her up every day and she doesn't need to cry. Aubrie assures her that she will take care of her and she doesn't need to worry. Day 1 - Cinderella |
On the second day, I pick them up and they are both jazzed and Emilie is shouting, "Mommy! I didn't cry for you! I'm a big girl!" It turns out my perfect angels were perfect. Day 2 - Belle |
On Wednesday it all turned south. FAR SOUTH. I get to dance camp and find out that Emilie went to hug Aubrie from behind while she was coloring. But her gentle hug then turned into a tight grip headlock that wouldn't stop. So Aubrie got mad and started yelling and fighting her off and the teachers had to pry Emilie off of Aubrie. Emilie didn't know why she was in trouble. She was JUST hugging her sister, so she started crying. Loudly. A lot. We had a big talk that night about not hugging our sister on the neck and how it would be wise if she just didn't touch each other anymore. Ever. Day 3 - Ariel |
The next day was a lot better. Emilie was well behaved and when she started to get sad and miss mommy, Aubrie hugged her and held her hand to make her feel better. I'm learning that sisters love hard and fight hard. Day 4 - Aurora (didn't catch her in time for a picture) |
On the last day of dance camp, they can dress up and sure enough, our final princess was Snow White and that is what Emilie dressed up as. She was super jazzed. Adam took the girls to camp with me on Friday and as we turned to walk out, we hear a teacher say, "Emilie honey, we don't stand on chairs." Sigh. |
Day 5 - Snow White |
I highly recommend this dance camp if anyone is interested. This was the last week of it. But look into it for next year. The girls have a blast. It's at Nashville Dance Center in Green Hills.
During the short time that the girls were at dance camp, Kyle and I got to enjoy some alone time. My large almost one year old is now facing forward in the car. We had the kids weighed the other day and Emilie, who is 3 in October, is only 4 pounds heavier than Kyle, who will be 1 in two weeks. He's not petite.
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Here he is with hummus all over his face. If we are feeding him something and he's not a fan, we go get the hummus and use it as a dip and he loves it. But really, there's not much he won't eat. |
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