
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The bug.

Monday morning I woke up early (around 4) because Adam was up and about, getting ready to go catch his flight to New York.  As soon as I rolled over, I knew that something wasn't right.  I told Adam when he kissed me goodbye that I was going to be sick.  Sure enough, as he is going through security, I'm calling him and letting him know that I have thrown up and I was "man down."  There was no option of him staying home. 

It didn't get better and around 7, I could hear the girls waking up on their monitors.  The night before, Adam cut an apple up for me and my stomach started turning after I ate it.  Sometimes my dad gets sick if you don't wash an apple good enough, so I thought that maybe the apple had upset my stomach.  So I thought maybe I just needed to get up and get moving and it would all turn around.  Let's just say it didn't.  I started calling EVERYBODY to see if they could help, or if they could come get the girls because I didn't want to give them whatever I had.  I got the the girls up, dressed, fed them breakfast, and then I laid back in bed while they ate. 

Thankfully Katie was able to come over with Higgs.  She got here after I got the girls down from breakfast and she was great.  I was able to lay in bed and sleep while she played with all the kids, fed them lunch, and it was great.  I was able to keep down some medicine and it helped turn things around.  My other super hero was Amanda.  She came over around 3 and played with the girls, fed them dinner, and put them to bed.  To top it all off, I  needed groceries for the next day.  We were out of breakfast food, and the girls needed stuff for their school Valentine's party the next day.  So Amanda even took my grocery list and got what I needed.  I was so thankful for these two girls and how they came through and helped a mama in need. 

I felt better on Tuesday.  I dropped the girls off at school, cleaned up the house a little, and worked on hydrating myself.  Today I feel pretty good, too.  This is definitely a horrible little bug that is going around.  I have a lot of friends who have gotten this bug within the past two weeks.  I'm so fortunate I didn't pass it on to the girls.  I'm also fortunate that I still had nausea medicine from my doctor and I have such good friends who helped me out!!!  So blessed! 

On another note, my Valentine came through even though he wasn't in town.  He hid my present and card in his nightstand.  He got me a bottle of perfume and I loved it.  What a great guy.  :)  I hope everyone else enjoyed their day.

Don't let this bug get you...

Love to all!!

ps.  Dad returns this evening.  YAY!!! Pin It Now!

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