
Friday, February 3, 2012

Go Belmont!

Today is a special day (other than it being the Battle of the Boulevard) because Jese Snyder is going to be home from Afghanistan today!  I'm so excited for him, his wife, and his family.  It will be so good to have him back on American soil!  I am diligently checking my facebook for updates from Casey and hopefully pictures of them back together.  YAY!!!
Jese.  For those of you who need a refresher, Jese played basketball at Belmont with Adam.  They call each other "brother."
 As I mentioned above, today is the Battle of the Boulevard.  This happens twice during the basketball season, once at Belmont, and once at Lipscomb (Belmont's rival).  This rivalry is dated back to 1953 with the two schools only 2.7 miles apart, both located on Belmont Boulevard.  Both schools were NAIA powerhouses and the rivalry stopped when Belmont went to the NCAA is 1997.  It was rekindled in 2004 after Lipscomb joined Belmont in the NCAA in 2000.  I will never forget the game, at Lipscomb, Adam's senior year.  Their crowd was huge and wild.  They had a LIFE SIZE doll of Adam (#44) that they were tossing around in the stands and beating on.  It was a wild game and Belmont squeaked by with the win.
My little bruins.
 And that is exactly why I hate going to the game at Lipscomb.  Every year Belmont is a better team.  More talented, better record, everything.  And every year, if Belmont wins, they BARELY win.  It's always over time or a buzzer shot.  And usually, if it is a buzzer beater, it is usually some nobody from Lipscomb's bench that only scored 2 points the whole game, who heaves the ball from half-court and immediately becomes the school's hero.  Their student section believes this game to be their national championship, because this is the only significant win they'll get all season.  So they'll storm the court and their obnoxious sound system will blare loud music on their horrible speakers and you end up leaving with frustration and a headache.  You'll later find Belmont winning their conference championship with Lipscomb licking their wounds from a first round loss.  And really, that's what makes it a good rivalry.  The opposing school drives you nuts.

So with all that said, Go BELMONT!  I'll be enjoying the game from my quiet living room.  And don't forget to guard that guy that you didn't even know existed on the bench because he'll probably score on you at a time when we just don't need it.  :)

Last night I grilled out because it was such a beautiful day.  We've really been enjoying some spring weather here in Nashville.  I tried a new recipe from Pinterest.  It was Garlic Parmesan Fries.  Check it out.

Garlic Parmesan Fries
from Pinterest

3 Russet potatoes
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup Panko crumbs
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
garlic salt
optional: Italian parsley (I used dried parsley flakes)

Roughly peel potatoes, leaving on some skin.  Cut into 1/4 inch pieces and toss in a bowl.  Pour olive oil over the top and toss the potatoes.  Add remaining ingredients and toss.  Place on parchment paper-lined cookie sheet.  Bake at 450 for 12-18 minutes.

They were pretty good.  Emilie ate a lot of them!  The girls also enjoyed some yogurt with strawberries after dinner.

I hope your mealtimes are just as fun as ours!
Love to all!

ps.  What was with the giant picture of pasta salad in my last post??  Sorry.  I fixed it.  Pin It Now!

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