
Thursday, February 16, 2012

T is for Tough Thursdays

Thursdays are tough in our house.  The girls usually have had a long week with school and bible study.  I don't know if they were so excited that dad picked them up from school and was in the house, or what.  But neither of them took a nap and you can just hear them singing and talking on their monitors.  Adam actually worked from home today which was a nice surprise for all of us.  Well, the short naps/no naps backfired at the dinner table.  I made Mexicali stew and Cornbread for dinner.  The girls and I actually had the stew last night, but I thought I would make mini cornbread muffins and they would happily eat left overs tonight.  Sounds good, right??

Mmmm.  Cornbread.  My cornbread is sweet, you'll have to try it.
 Emilie was the main culprit at the table.  She ate for about 5 minutes, and then announced she was done.  Got down, cried to be put back up, and then did all of this...

Aubrie on the other hand didn't mind the cornbread muffin.  But wouldn't eat the stew.  Kept playing with her spoon, playing with her sister...anything but eat.  So I set a timer for five minutes and told her that if she didn't finish by the time it went off, then she would not get any fruit.  She let the timer go off and we got her down from the table and told her she was done and she flipped out.  Let's just say it was an interesting night.  I hope everyone else enjoyed their Thursday night dinner!  Love to all!
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