Thank you to all who sent me birthday wishes! You all know how to make a girl feel loved! I'm not the biggest birthday fan. I'm more of a go big for Mother's Day kind of girl. Adam always manages to go big for both my birthday and Mother's Day. I will say, my birthday is more fun now that I have kids. The girls get so excited. Aubrie has been talking about it for weeks. Adam also takes them to Target and sets them loose to pick out anything they want for mommy. Sometimes he gives them guidance.
This year, Aubrie got me a DVD. A Dora the Explorer DVD. I told her she could borrow it. Adam guided Emilie to the kitchen section of the store and Emilie picked out an oven mitt for me. They also got me some pink roses. Adam's gift to me has been crossing stuff off his Honey-do list. He's done an excellent job of getting little projects done in preparation for the baby. That and he got me a deck box to store my outdoor furniture cushions in. What a super guy!

Yes, I'm still huge and waiting for this baby to come. All pictures of me are not flattering. My bump is bulging and it's just tugging at my ribs. I feel like I'm going to need a double hip replacement and a new pelvis once this is all over with. At our last doctor's appointment I was hoping to get our doctor to commit to the 15th for the big day. But because our first ultrasound contradicts our estimated due date, he cannot take the baby until the 20th at the earliest! (Unless my water breaks or I'm dilated) This was heart breaking news.
According to our dates, which are 99% accurate, the baby is due the 19th of August. Our doctor and latest ultrasound also show/think that the 19th is when the baby is due. BUT, they say that the first ultrasound is the most accurate and it said that I'm not due until the 29th!!! There is a rule that if you are having a c-section, you cannot take the baby until you are 39 weeks or more. My doctor feels horrible and knows that I'm ready to get this baby out, but he has to cover himself and go by what the first ultrasound says, which we understand.
But I want this baby out!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully, Adam's mom is still on summer vacation and she is going to be here this week to help wrangle children and help me around the house. Then my mom will be here next Monday and I guess we will all just sit around and stare at my belly until this baby comes out on his/her own OR my water breaks. Yikes!
They say the more children you have, the faster the delivery is. I can picture it now. My water breaks, Adam passes out, I get online and try and help mom find a flight to get here ASAP, I call his mom to come watch the girls, pack up the car, and go revive him so he can drive me to the hospital.
Let's hope that doesn't happen.
In the meantime, I've been enjoying my girls and I'm so amazed at how big Emilie has been getting. She says just about anything. Yesterday we had onion rings and when they were passed to her, she grabbed one and said, "Mmmm! Donut!" and then she took a bite of it and said, "Spicy donut!" haha.
I told Adam to dress them pretty on the day of my birthday and when he got upstairs and was trying to figure out their outfits, he got frustrated and said, "Aubrie, I can't dress you like a princess like Mommy can."
She looked at him and said, "Yes you can, Daddy! You can do whatever you want to! You can play soccer or you can play basketball! You can even dress like a princess if you want to, Daddy!"
After that pep talk, he said, "Thanks babe! get in here" and hugged her and she said, "Oh Daddy,!! You are so strong!!"
Let's just say he had a big head after all that!
Aubrie put Emilie in a hug/choke hold and almost rammed her head in the kitchen cabinet and said, "This is my sister, I love her so much!" |
Sweet sisters! |
When we moved into our house, some of our light fixtures were brass and some were brushed nickel. The entry way chandelier was not only brass, but only one light worked and it just needed replaced. It wasn't really our priority and I have kept my eyes open for super deals whenever I'm at a store. The other day we were at Lowes and I told Adam that I would like to stroll through the lights just in case. Sure enough, we saw this brushed nickel chandelier and the price tag said $23 dollars. I got closer and it said original price was $189 and it was marked down to $23 dollars. We asked and it wasn't broken, not a return, it was just the floor model and they were getting in new models and wanted to get rid of it. We snatched that puppy up!
Great deal! 23 bucks for a chandelier! But when it came time to call an electrician, our super cheap deal turned into a 400 for two electricians PLUS the 23 bucks for the chandelier deal. Yuck. So we looked into renting some scaffolding and it only cost 29 dollars. So with some research, a pep talk from Adam's friend Andrew, he decided to rent the scaffolding and they would do it themselves. Of course, he sent Andrew out on the 12 foot scaffolding first. But luckily the project was easier than anticipated and they got the job done.
Andrew taking our old light down |
Our new 23 dollar light |
Andrew brought over his sweet little girl, Anna Sophia and we got to play with her while they worked. She has the biggest smile and cutest cheeks! |
She didn't know what to think of the girls, but the girls were pretty curious about her! |
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I hope I'll see some "action" least before the 20th! I'll keep you posted.
Love to all!
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