We have successfully made it home and put a week in the books! My mom left this past Saturday and Adam is home on his last 2 weeks of paternity leave. It's just the 5 of us. The adjustment has been pretty easy. Kyle is a good eater and easy sleeper and the girls have been a lot of fun and very accepting of baby brother. We feel so blessed that he has 2 big sisters. They do a good job of keeping each other company and playing together so that we can give Kyle some attention, too. He can pretty much sleep through anything. The girls can get pretty rowdy and he doesn't seem to mind...yet.
Next week they start Mother's Day Out (Yipee!!) and they are really looking forward to being back with their friends. That means that I'll have one week where I'll have just Adam and Kyle on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm really looking forward to it. I get a little panicked, thinking about how am I going to get 3 kids out the door on certain mornings with clean clothes, brushed hair, breakfast fed, and lunch packed. I think what will take the biggest hit is my house's cleanliness as well as mine. haha. I'll probably show up places in sweats, without a shower or a comb to my hair. Bear with me friends. :)
I've really been trying to cherish every moment with my newborn. I cannot believe that this is the last time I'll be doing this. I love holding him, nursing him, staring at him late at night during his feedings. Adam pointed out this morning that it's almost September and before you know it, we'll be having Emilie's b-day party, trick-or-treating, heading to TX for Thanksgiving, and then celebrating Christmas and all of the sudden it will be 2013! (By the way, it has taken me THREE DAYS to write this blog. Day 1, I posted the title and uploaded photos to the computer. Day 2, picked out pictures and uploaded them to the blog. Day 3, write these couple of paragraphs.)
Our days have been full of visitors and well wishes from everyone and we appreciate it all. Our friend and super talented photographer, Marcie, came by and took pictures the other day of Kyle at the house. I'm looking forward to sharing those with you. As for now, I'll post a couple more pictures of the hospital, discharge, and coming home.
The girls meeting Kyle for the first time. |
Emilie kept pointing to him and saying, "baby brother!" and sometimes she says his name like a creaky old door...KYYYYLLLLLEEEEE. |
Kyle bought the girls a gift for his own birthday. He got them a princess doll and strollers, which were and still are a big hit. |
The girls enjoyed getting my the hospital bed and cuddling. I was relieved to get out of the hospital bed. My rear was so sore from the luxurious bed. |
This is one of my favorite pictures. The girls are practicing giving him his pacifier. Aubrie is coaching Emilie. They also thought he needed another hat and stuck one on the top of his head. Aubrie likes to walk by and give him tickles. One time he was crying and she walked up and tickled him and talked to him and he stopped. |
The new party of 5! |
I like how sometimes his pants can get hiked up really high like an old man. I love the face he's making here. His shirt says little brother. |
He's ready to leave the hospital! Adam and I were laughing at the pediatrician's office last week at how beat up our car seat looks. You'll see parents come in with their new seats and fancy toys hanging for the baby to play with. Our seat definitely looks like it's been lived in! |
The girls had to check him out when he got home. |
Lots of love for baby Kyle! Dad's already watched ESPN with him and talked over some of the upcoming college football games. |
Kyle likes when Adam kisses his cheek and hums. He's been going to the Y every day to workout and takes the girls with him. They have enjoyed getting out of the house and Kyle and I enjoy the quiet house. |
Here he is sleeping in the bassinet. It's the same bassinet I slept in as a baby. So peaceful and sweet! We love our new little blessing! |
I hope everyone is doing well! Love to all!
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