
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mexicali Stew and Cornbread

Our evenings are full of chaos after the girls go down.  We are busy packing or doing paperwork for the new house.  To get a loan, we have to give them every piece of information plus our first born.  Not really, but that is what it feels like.  Adam's been working hard dealing with that and I'm thankful I don't have to do it. 

The girls had their second day of school today.  Emilie had a fantastic day.  She only cries for about 5 minutes after I drop her off, and then she is fine.  Today her class had music and her teachers said that she LOVED it.  She clapped her hands and danced.  I'm glad she is having fun.  I really like our mother's day out program.  The environment in Emilie's room is calm and loving.  Aubrie's as well...maybe not so calm with her and her friends running around, but the teachers are wonderful and loving.  I'm having a lunch problem.  I don't know what to pack and what I do pack, they don't eat.  This morning I had Aubrie stand on a chair next to the counter and assist with lunch packing.  She picked out carrots, red bell pepper, raw broccoli, a cheese stick, crackers, some bologna, and yogurt raisins.  She didn't eat the bologna or cheese.  Emilie didn't either.  I don't know what to send those two.  I'm going to look for Chicken salad recipes because they both like chicken and grapes.  Maybe they'll eat that??  Who knows.

I had bible study yesterday but it got canceled.  Nicole Kidman was shooting at the church and the parking lot couldn't hold all the cars and trucks so the girls and I enjoyed a slow day at home.  It was gloomy and chilly yesterday and it brought me down.  I can't stand days when the sun doesn't shine.  And I don't think I was ready for the cooler weather because my body just couldn't warm up.  So I decided to cook a classic, but easy cold weather meal for the fam.  Mexicali stew and homemade cornbread.  Where I come from, cornbread is sweet an I love it that way.  Just my preference.  No right or wrong.  :)

Mexicali Stew
this recipe is from a family that I used to nanny for

1 lb ground beef
1 can of corn, drained
1 can of black beans, rinsed
1 can of kidney beans, rinsed
1 can of Rotel tomatoes and chili
1 jar of Pace Picante salsa

Cook the meat in a skillet, drain the fat, and then add all ingredients together in a pot on the stove.  Simmer on the stove for about 30 minutes.  You can make this spicy by doing a hotter salsa or hotter Rotel.  I also do different beans, or if you need it to stretch for more people, you can do 3 cans of beans.  I did pinto and black in my pot yesterday.  I usually sprinkle cheese on top and eat it with a cheese quesadilla or tortilla chips, but yesterday I made mom's corn bread. 

1 cup yellow corn meal
1 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup oil
1 egg
1 cup of milk

Combine dry ingredients in bowl and mix well.  Combine oil, egg, and milk together.  Mix well.  Stir into dry ingredients until just blended.  Pour into well buttered 8 inch square pan.  Bake at 400 for 25 minutes or until done.  Test with a toothpick until it comes out clean.  Recipe may be doubled, pour into a 13 x 9 and bake as above.

I was going to try and do cornbread muffins and send one in the girls' lunches, but we already boxed up the muffin pans.  I knew this would happen.  Oh well.  There is also the problem of the cooler weather catching me off guard.  Luckily Aubrie can still wear pants from last year and Emilie is in Aubrie's 12 months clothes.  Yay for hand-me-downs!  Emilie wore two outfits this week that Aubrie used to wear and she's just as cute in them.  She's also wearing Aubrie's old brown boots, my favorites.  Seeing Emilie in Aubrie's old clothes is sweet, but it makes me realize that time is flying.  Aubrie is just growing up so quickly.  She talks so much and helps me with everything.  And what is Emilie doing wearing Aubrie's 12 month clothes already?  I love those two girls!

Love to all!

Doing a puzzle together. 

Bottoms up!

Smiling behind that paci

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