Don't worry, we are alive. We have just been crazy busy. I've wanted to blog for days now, but by the time I stop working, I'm too tired to sit down and try to type something worth reading. We are trying to take advantage of having grandparents here and Adam being off work to do several projects around the house. Our garage is a nightmare. We have a pile of stuff that needs to go to goodwill along with a pile of boxes we need to put out with the trash. And now we have a lot of boxes from Christmas toys...what a nightmare. Why do they package things with so much cardboard, twist ties, and plastic?? Anyways, with all this said...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed your time together. I hope you ate a lot of food and had a lot of laughs. We sure did. Let's see, we'll start with Christmas Eve. The girls wore dresses that Grandpa and Grandma Huhnke gave them for Christmas to attend Christmas Eve service at church.
While they were cute, the youngest almost got us kicked out of church. Service started at 5, which is dinner time. We took a lot of snacks, but it just wasn't suiting her. We were in the balcony because we were running late (what? us?) and Emilie just wanted to be down and running around. She would have dangled over the edge of the balcony if we let her. Adam had to keep getting up and walking into the hallway with her because at one point (when we didn't let her have her way) she SCREAMED. Right in the middle of prayer. Our child.
Aubrie was good. She colored her coloring book and sang the hymns. We took communion together as a family. When Pastor Ken went to hand Adam bread, Aubrie snatched it and took a bite. But then when she saw Adam dip his piece into the cup, she wanted to dip hers so they let her double dip. Why not. It's Christmas. Aubrie even held the candle for silent night and sang, but got distracted and let wax drip on my leg. It didn't feel good. That will be my first burn for the night.
In the Walker family, tradition is Mexican food on Christmas Eve and Adam liked that tradition so that is what we do. I had a casserole planned and fried
chimichangas. So as soon as we got home, I had hungry mouths to feed and not much time before bedtime. Moms, you know how it is. Screaming kids, frantically preparing dinner. It happens all the time. I must not have been paying attention, because I dipped my thumb in the hot grease when I was putting a chimichanga in. Boy that one hurt. But we got through and the girls enjoyed dinner. We got done just in time to decorate a few sugar cookies for Santa.
She's a taste-as-you-go kind of gal. |
This one enjoyed yogurt while sister decorated cookies. But I thought I would show you this face. This was her church face most of the evening. (Don't forget she is teething, so have some sympathy.) |
Emilie did decorate one cookie. But she didn't care as much as sister did. |
Having an intelligent conversation about how Santa is fitting down that chimney. :) |
Our plate of cookies for Santa. CHEESE!! |
Sticking our plate up by the television. |
We had so much fun. It was rushed, but fun. Adam and I have enjoyed making our own traditions and spending time with just our group. It has been hard at the same time. We both miss our families, but it is hard to travel with our girls and we want to make sure Santa knows how to find our new house. :) Besides, the older Aubrie and Emilie get, the more fun it will be and the more things we will be able to do to enjoy the Christmas season.
I will post Christmas day and catch you up to what we are doing this week later. But for now, it is bedtime. :)
Love to all!
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