We have a bumble bee (or as Aubrie says bungle bee) and a lady bug!! I made their costumes except the wings and antenna
Aubrie was feeding Emilie M&Ms. |
"This punkin is heavy!!" |
We had fun trick or treating tonight. The first door she went to was our neighbor's. She walked in when he opened the door. Then she took the pack of skittles that we were "practicing" with out of her bucket and handed it to our neighbor instead of him giving her candy. :) They actually spoiled the girls and gave them full sized candy bars, bracelets, and a mini barbie doll. Amanda was here to enjoy the fun. It was fun because Aubrie definitely understood the concept. She enjoyed going up to people's doors and yelling "knock knock!" and she kept trying to go in their house. She liked looking at the pumpkins on porches and other decorations. We didn't get many trick or treaters because we live on the end of a long cul-de-sac and at the beginning of our street, the street lamps are out. :( I'm going to have to find something to do with all our leftover candy! One man waved at her and said "Hi cutie!" and she waved and said "hi cutie!" back to him. She really enjoyed seeing people wearing masks and dressed as monsters. She started rawring like a monster. She also saw a star wars character and said he was a robot and started talking like a robot. She cracked us up. Emilie had fun, too. It sounded like she said pumpkin at one point. Her dad held her and carried her around the neighborhood. She was a pretty cute bumble bee. Tia flew her around the house and she really enjoyed that. When we got home, Aubrie picked out a bag of M&Ms to eat and Emilie got to have a pumpkin cookie. We really enjoyed Halloween this year. We hope you all had fun, too! I made meatloaf tonight...but hold on. Don't wrinkle your nose. This is the Pioneer Woman's meatloaf that has bacon on top...YUM! I'll share tomorrow!
Love to all!
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