Today was the first normal Monday the girls and I have had in a long time. We did our usual trip to the Y for some exercise and fun and then we ran an errand. I'm making Aubrie's Halloween costume. Emilie is wearing the one Aubrie wore when she was one. I'm glad I went today to get the material because I took the last of the red and black. I started putting it together tonight. I can't wait to get it done and take the girls' pictures this coming weekend. We did a photo shoot with Aubrie when she was one. One of them won the right to be included in a photography display at our church!
Look at that chubby bumble bee!! |
I made chili tonight...compliments of McCormick. Emilie really enjoyed eating her chili and the fritos. Aubrie liked it, too, so it was a win at the dinner table. The girls love when dad comes home and enjoyed playing in the play room with him. Tonight Emilie grabbed a toy purse and put her arm through the strap and said "Bye!" and crawled towards the door. It was so funny! Aubrie always does that with a toy backpack. She'll put it on, say she is going to school and yell bye while she runs out the door. Then she'll run back in the room and say "Hi guys!" I just love watching them grow.
Love to all!
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