We had our family photos today. The photo at the title of my blog will soon be replaced with an updated family photo. I ordered the girls matching dresses and then made some headbands to match them. I can't wait to see the final product and share with you all. It was pretty chilly out and Emilie was pretty upset by the end, but we made it through.
Emilie has been a hoot. She loves playing in the new house. She crawls around at high speeds and loves pushing tubs, toys, boxes, etc. across the wood floors to practice walking. She also LOVES going outside. At the old house she didn't like to crawl around in the grass, but here she crawls all over the backyard. Adam hung the swing yesterday and he instantly became a rock star.
Aubrie has been fun, too. Everyday her vocabulary amazes us. Both of them, really. Emilie is trying to talk. I SWEAR she said chicken last night. At least, it sounded like chicken. In the car we were coaching her to say Aubrie and it sounded like "be be" and she kept repeating it. After she stopped, Aubrie said grouchily, "WHAT!" It was a funny moment. She also says "yeah" a lot. Today a woman said, "Aren't you beautiful!?" and Aubrie looked at her and said, "Yeah." and walked away.
This photo is proof that she does look like me. This looks just like my pictures at that age. |
I wish I could post pictures of the house but the only two rooms put together are the girls' rooms. And they are sleeping, so no picture. Amanda helped us paint all three bedrooms upstairs. Aubrie's room is called Soft Muslin, which is a glowing soft pink, Emilie's is called Highlight and it's a VERY light minty green (sounds ugly, but it is beautiful), and the guest room is called Lilac Murmur and it is a VERY light purple.
I don't know what I'm doing for the rest of the house, but it will all come together eventually. I look forward to piecing everything together. Petey likes it here, too. His backyard is huge and he's enjoyed running around and barking at other dogs. He did get loose once and ran all around the neighborhood...with me chasing him of course. It was about a mile before I caught him. He got in big trouble.
As for the cooking side of things, we had a lot of survivor meals. Carry out pizza and burgers, a frozen dinner or two. Then last week I made a pot of beans and the girls loved them. I also made "Toddler Muffins" which I will share eventually. I also made blue cheese stuffed burgers that I saw in Better Homes and Gardens.

Not bad.
I hope everyone is doing well. I must warn that my blog may still be slacking at times and to expect more guest entries because I still have a lot of work to do. I usually blog after I put the girls down at night, but now I use that time to roll up my sleeves and get some work done. It's much easier to work without two kids hugging your legs. :)
Love to all!
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