Today we celebrated our sweet little Emilie's birthday. Adam's parents were in town and brought his grandparents (Granny and Gaga) with them. I didn't blog last night because I had a full day of housework and preparation for the party and I was dog tired by the time I was done. I baked the cake and put on the frosting, but didn't have enough energy to decorate it so Lana and Granny helped me out and put pretty little flowers on the cupcakes and added detail to Emilie's cake. I also didn't get any relief at the chiropractor's office. They just took x-rays. I have to go back on Tuesday and find out what the game plan is. I'm looking forward to Tuesday!
We had a wonderful time today. Good food, fun friends, lots of laughs, and celebrating my little baby's first year of life. Her birthday is actually on Tuesday. We will have a celebration on that day, too. :) We had heavy pigs in a blanket, meatballs, cheese and crackers, taco dip, fruit and veggies. I made apple cake again, but this time I didn't add the nuts. Emilie really enjoyed a couple of bites last weekend and so I thought she would enjoy it today. I was right. :)
Reese, Teague, and Aubrie enjoying cupcakes |
Proud moms: Candice with Grace and Brianne with Eliza |
Emilie let Aubrie help her blow out her candle. |
MMMMMM!!!!! Cake! |
My little cheeseball. :) |
Max had double birthday parties today. His first party was a super hero party. We didn't mind that he showed up as spider man. And those are his real muscles, not the costume. :) |
We're so blessed with such great family and friends and with two beautiful healthy girls. Love to all!
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