The girls had a good day at school today. Aubrie napped when she got home but Emilie always seems to get in a good nap while at school. Tia came to watch them tonight while we were out and they had a good time. It is always fun to spend some time with Tia.
I made a new recipe tonight and Adam asked me if I was trying to sabotage Tia. But it turned out really good and aside from the vegetables, the girls both enjoyed it.

I got it out of Better Homes and Gardens and I'm attaching their picture because I did not follow the directions like I was supposed to. I don't know what is wrong with me lately. First the sugar in the pie, now this. The recipe calls for green onions which I totally forgot to buy. Then it calls for cilantro and I bought parsley. Oh well, I made it anyways, using the parsley. But it did turn out pretty good and I really enjoyed it. It was very tasty. Also, I didn't use the lemongrass because my Kroger doesn't carry it. I read that there really isn't a substitute for it and it is mostly used in Thai food. A Thai woman wrote that if you can't find it, just don't add it.
Lemon Butter Flank Steak
Tomorrow is Arthritis Awareness day and I want to introduce you to a special little girl who has juvenile arthritis. Her name is Eleanor Green and she's the most precious little girl. She is supposed to be the honoree tomorrow in Knoxville at the Jingle Bell Run but she is in the hospital right now with pancreatitis. In a couple of days or weeks, her mom will share with us her story. But until then, you can honor sweet little Eleanor and others who suffer with arthritis by wearing blue to bring awareness. I look forward to sharing her story with you all.
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