I was watching Cooking For Real on the Food Network the other day. Host Sunny Anderson was making Maniladas which is a comibination of Manicotti and Enchiladas. Boy did they look delicious! So I ran the recipe by Adam and he approved so we got the ingredients at the grocery store and made them tonight. And they were FANTASTIC! I love tomatillos and I have never used Fontina cheese. It was difficult to find and it was expensive. I also love that inside the manicotti shells is chunks of tomato and cilantro. The tastes were all wonderful and it came together nicely. Please give this one a try if you love Mexican food. It wasn't that difficult either.

photo from Food Network
We had a wonderful church service today. After church we had lunch with Tia at McDougals (chicken) and we enjoyed sitting outside. When we got home, Adam took our pictures. We pulled out a tub of 12-18 month clothing and found some dresses and warmer clothes for Emilie.
I can't believe how quickly they are growing. Aubrie can talk to you just about anything. She told her dad when she woke up after her nap that she dreamed about Belmont basketball. She loves to sing and dance and we have been working on her with her letter sounds. She's picking them up pretty quickly. It's amazing how quickly she's learning. Tonight she "read" the Five Little Monkey book. She's got it memorized. At the part where it says "one fell off and bumped its head", we all bump our head with our hands and tonight Emilie got that part down pretty good. She kept hitting her head. Emilie's standing up all the time now. She crawls quickly somewhere and then stands up to bang on something or get into something she isn't supposed to be in. Tonight she emptied out all the tea bags. She's got quite a personality. We are enjoying the girls so much!
I hope everyone had a good day and a Happy Grandparents Day!
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